Restricted Licences
The legislation allows for restricted driver’s licences to be issued in certain circumstances to persons who would otherwise be unable to drive due to disqualification of their driver’s licence.
Your eligibility for a restricted licence will depend on a number of factors, including:
- The type of offence which gives rise to the disqualification of your driver licence
- The type of driver licence which you held at the time of the offence
- Your previous convictions for certain traffic and criminal offences and the dates when those offences occurred
- The type of vehicle you were driving at the time of the offence
- The level of blood alcohol concentration at the time of the offence
- If you require your licence in order to retain your current employment
- If the failure to grant a restricted licence would cause extreme hardship to you or your family by depriving you of your means of earning a living.
Applications for restricted licences must be made prior to your driver’s licence being disqualified. For this reason, if you have been charged with an offence which will cause your driver’s licence to be disqualified, we recommend you seek legal advice before the hearing of the offence in order to determine if you are eligible for a restricted licence before your driver’s licence is disqualified.