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A landowner’s burden in claiming compensation under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld)
Land & MiningGas Mining On Farm Land

A landowner’s burden in claiming compensation under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld)

Find out if your land is subject to tenure issued under the MRA, and the likelihood of the application for,...
How Can I Get Compensation For My Losses Suffered From A Motor Vehicle Accident?
Public LiabilityMan sitting on couch with neck brace and injured leg after car accident

How Can I Get Compensation For My Losses Suffered From A Motor Vehicle Accident?

If you suffer injuries arising from a motor vehicle accident, where another party was at fault for the circumstances of...
Employees have gained a “right to disconnect”
WorkCoverDisconnect At Home

Employees have gained a “right to disconnect”

A new rule has come into effect in Australia giving employees a right to disconnect outside their work hours. The...
Addressing Sport-Related Concussions in Australia
WorkCoverboy being examined by doctor for concussion injury

Addressing Sport-Related Concussions in Australia

Australians love their sport – whether it’s the footy, cricket, swimming or horse riding. What we don’t love are the...
Drink Driving in Queensland
Criminal LawLooking from the drivers seat out the front windscreen at the city lights

Drink Driving in Queensland

In Queensland, depending on the type of licence you hold you are required to comply with the blood/breath alcohol concentration...
I have been injured in a motor vehicle accident – Can I claim my medical expenses?
Personal InjuryCar Accident with police officer takig notes

I have been injured in a motor vehicle accident – Can I claim my medical expenses?

Motor vehicle accidents occur on Queensland roads every day, and often causing significant disruption to the parties involved. In Queensland,...
Injury Prevention – The Number One Intention – But How Far Does an Employer’s Duty Extend?
Employment LawWorkplace Meetings

Injury Prevention – The Number One Intention – But How Far Does an Employer’s Duty Extend?

Participation in the workforce is a fundamental aspect of the modern psyche and, as a community, we place great value...
Impact of Climate Change on Workplace Health and Safety
WorkCoverClimate Change Flooding

Impact of Climate Change on Workplace Health and Safety

Climate change will have an impact on many areas of life in Queensland. This article will briefly highlight some of...
Disposal of Remains
Wills and EstateSuccession Planning

Disposal of Remains

As a succession lawyer, I spend most of my day discussing with people how they would like their property dealt...
Are Your Business Contracting Terms Unfair?
Property & ConveyancingHands holding contracts as they are discussed.

Are Your Business Contracting Terms Unfair?

In the coming weeks, Australia will see changes to the Australian Consumer Law come into effect. The changes will prohibit...
Top Tip for Positive Co-Parenting
Family LawCouple Co Parenting Small Child

Top Tip for Positive Co-Parenting

Going through a separation is an incredibly stressful and anxious period for anyone, let alone when there are children involved and you...
Law is all about the exceptions
Employment LawCar accident travelling to work

Law is all about the exceptions

Legislation and legislative intent (the rule) which seem reasonable and definitive are not always clear when it comes to real-life...
Festive Spirits – When Social Functions End in Tears
Personal InjuryWork Xmas Party

Festive Spirits – When Social Functions End in Tears

With the holiday season upon us, we take a look at some cases of festivities gone wrong, whether the injuries...
Liability in respect to Independent Contractors – Part 2
Employment Law, Personal InjuryImage Of Scaffolders 1

Liability in respect to Independent Contractors – Part 2

When might a principal contractor avoid liability for injuries to a worker who is not their own employee? In Part...
Liability in respect to Independent Contractors – Part 1
Employment LawConstruction Workers

Liability in respect to Independent Contractors – Part 1

In what instances might a party’s duty extend to an independent contractor? An employer’s duty to ensure their employee safety...
Wills and Estates: What happens when you have assets in another country?
Wills and EstateWills Another Country

Wills and Estates: What happens when you have assets in another country?

Most people will have only one Will. When drafting a Will, the last Will usually revokes all prior Wills. For...
Coercive Control: The ‘invisible’ form of domestic violence
Family LawCoercive Control The Invisible Form Of Domestic Violence

Coercive Control: The ‘invisible’ form of domestic violence

What is coercive control? Coercive control is a form of domestic and family violence that is often unseen, due to...
Do I need a lawyer to make a Will?
Wills and EstateDo I Need A Lawyer To Make A Will

Do I need a lawyer to make a Will?

I am often asked, “Do I need a lawyer to make a Will?” As a lawyer, I would say, “Of...
Divorces and Property Settlements – What’s the difference?
Family LawDifference Between Property Settlement And Divorce

Divorces and Property Settlements – What’s the difference?

A divorce is often confused with a property settlement. Simply put, a divorce is a legal process which formally ends...
There’s been an injury in the workplace. What now?
Personal InjuryWorkplace Injury Image Only Roofer

There’s been an injury in the workplace. What now?

Have you suffered an injury at work? Has one of your employees been injured?  Perhaps you know that WorkCover Queensland...
How to prevent a compensation claim for aggravation of a pre-existing injury or medical condition
Personal InjuryWorkers Comp Article Cover Only

How to prevent a compensation claim for aggravation of a pre-existing injury or medical condition

Are you an employer?  Have you ever considered what might happen if one of your employees claimed compensation for a...
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