It is understandable if you are currently concerned about your health and well-being, as well as that of your loved ones and elders. Many of us are also considering whether our Wills and Powers of Attorney are up to date.

If you wish to arrange new documents, or ensure your current documents are adequate, we will help you without putting your health at risk. We offer meetings by telephone and video, and can provide instructions for executing your documents independently and in the safety of your own home if required.

What information is required to prepare my Will?

We strive to keep the process as simple as possible, and to this end, we have prepared a basic list of details you may like to prepare before the appointment.

Personal details:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Your date of birth
  • Your occupation

Relationship status and children:

  • Are you single or married or in a de facto relationship, and if so, what is the full name of your spouse or de facto partner?
  • Do you have children, and if so, what are the full names and ages of your children?
  • Has any child of yours already died? If so, what was their full name? Does your deceased child have any children that are still alive, and if so, what are their names and ages?

Your executor

  • Who do you want to be you executor?
  • If that person is not alive when you die who would you then want to be your executor?

Dividing your estate:

  • Do you want to make any specific gift of money or a thing to a person or charity?
  • Who do you want to receive your estate?  (For example you may want to give your  estate to your spouse, or if your spouse is not alive equally to all your children)
  • Who do you want to receive your estate if a beneficiary dies before you?
  • Do you have any other special wishes?
  • Are you interested in or do you think you need a testamentary trust?

Your superannuation:

  • Do you have superannuation?
  • Is it a self-managed fund or in an industry fund?
  • Have you made a binding death benefit nomination?

What information is required to prepare my Power of Attorney?

If you are interested in a Power of Attorney you will also need to consider:

  • Who you appoint as your attorney in the event you are legally or mentally incapacitated?
  • If your attorney is not able to act who would you then want to be your attorney?

In the midst of the changes and uncertainty that we are currently experiencing, it is becoming increasingly important by the day to ensure you and your loved ones have proper arrangements in place.

Please feel free to contact us on 07 4637 6300 or send a direct enquiry to Jon Wiedman, Director and head of Estate Planning.